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As we move through the 21st Century there is no doubt that sustainable development will increasingly sit centre stage in humanity's struggle to create a sustainable and equitable world.  The establishment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is a significant example of this.  The 17 SDGs are accompanied by a total of 169 targets designed to facilitate these goals. Achieving these goals and targets requires both the ability to think in the abstract to explore visions of sustainable futures as well as  the ability to translate these visions into practical  solutions and real world impacts.  With this in mind I have striven to bridge that divide both personally and professionally.  Below are my professional affiliations through which i translate my academic work into solutions based activities.  This is primarily achieved through my chartered surveying practice Sustain Surveying 

Institution of Environmental Sciences  

Chartered Environmentalist 

Association of European Schools of Planning 

LEAD International

Background Image: Kingsbridge Quay, Devon, UK

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