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Transformatvie Learning 

"I am a strong believer in learning through doing and bringing the learning environment to life.  Where ever practical and possible i engage students with real world situations.  During he course of my career I have organised and run a number of filed trips.  The following are examples of these" 

Sustainable Development Buckhaven Fieldtrip


Third year sustainable development students visited the community of Buckhaven on the East Coast of Fife. The fieldtrip explored many different interrelated issues that students taking  SD3003 Policy, People and Participation have been learning over the past few weeks, and was packed full of activities ranging from lectures to tree pruning and path building.  It was organised by members of CLEAR Buckhaven which is a voluntary community association established by local residents interesting in improving their surroundings and the quality of the local environment.



Sustainable Development Whitelee Wind Farm Fieldtrip

Third year sustainable development students visiting Whitelee wind farm, the largest wind farm in Europe. The visit was part of the sustainable Development module SD 3003 Policy, People and Participation, an important component of which explores alternative forms of energy.  Students experienced first hand some the complex  issues relating to sustainable development and wind energy.  The group received a talk from representatives of the wind farm and were also accompanied by Keith Potter from Scottish Power at the base of one of the turbines at Whitelee wind farm.


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